Jacksepticeye Wiki

Angus is not an ego. (It's fun having him here though) He first appeared in the 2013 playthrough of Far Cry 3, but has also been heard in Skyrim and Minecraft. He has not been seen, heard of or spoken of since.

As he has only been shown in a few early playthroughs and has been stated by Jack to not be an official ego, Angus' appearance has been left to solely headcanon and assumption for fans. The most common tends to be akin to Jack's younger self, before dying his hair for the first time as evidenced by the only picture.


Angus is presented as calm but serious using a monotone voice to narrate his experiences. His few defining traits include a thick, slightly dramatized Australian accent. His 'job' in the series tends to be killing dangerous animals that are in an area of the game he's playing.

Video appearances[]


  • Jack has stated that the Angus persona is based off of Australian television personality Steve Irwin and British adventurer Bear Grylls.