Jacksepticeye Wiki
Character information
Full name Kenneth Charles Morrison
Gender Male
Nickname(s) Ken
Born 1989
Profile statistics
Physical description
Hair Black
Eyes Brown

Kenneth Morrison, or Ken for short, also known by his online pseudonym CinnamonToastKen, is an American YouTuber, best known for his let's plays. He often played with Jacksepticeye, PewDiePie and Markiplier.


Ken previously focused on games of different genres, whether they are flash or console. His channel currently has 3 million subscribers. As of 2018, he swapped let's plays for reacting to memes and creating reaction compilations with his friend, Twitter user Bufftron.


Ken is mostly known through PewDiePie and used to appear often in his gaming videos (before Felix completely changed). He is married to a woman called Mary, who has a beauty YouTube channel "SuperMaryFace". They had a child born in May 2017, a daughter named Layla. Since the birth of Layla, the pair occasionally create family vlogs documenting their life with her.

Relations with other YouTubers[]

Ken co-hosted with Felix in a weekly Podcast called "BroKen" featuring occasional surprise guests (two of which were Jack and Mark). Although the Podcast has since been discontinued, it is available to watch on YouTube or listen to on SoundCloud.com. He also collaborated with the trio on several occasions.


JacksepticeyePewDiePieMuyskermMarkiplierLordMinion777CinnamonToastKenDaithi De NoglaPixlpit

Alter egos

AntisepticeyeChase BrodyDr. SchneeplesteinJackieboy ManJameson JacksonMarvin The Magnificent

Game characters

Albert, Abigail and SusieAlphysBettyBilly and BobbyBlueCáitChuckFinbar FoaleyGreenHelicopter HarryHenryJorji CostavaKevinLawnmower LarryMariaPádraigPepperPogo PeteSallySanta ClausSamSamsonSíocháinSaoirseSeamusSeamus Jr.Seamus Jr. Jr.Segway SteveSurgery game patientsUndyneWheelchair Willy


GizmoKillianSepticeye Sam
