Jacksepticeye Wiki

Jacksepticeye has many quotes, but here are his most used or favorites.


  • "Hey hey guys, what is going on? I am back for another_____." (First previous intro)
  • "Hello! All you beautiful people out there. My name is Jacksepticeye." (Second previous intro)
  • "Top of the mornin' to ya laddies, my name is Jacksepticeye and welcome to/welcome back to [game name]!" (Third current intro)
  • "Well that does it for this episode of [game]!/Well I'm going to leave this episode here! If you liked it, punch that like button in the face, LIKE A BOSS! And, high fives all round! (does double high fives in the air while making high five sounds). But thank you guys and I will see all you dudes... IN THE NEXT VIDEOOO!" (First previous outro)​
  • "'TICKY BOMB!" (When he played Grand Theft Auto V and threw a Sticky Bomb.)
  • "LIKE A BOSS!"
  • "Move ye ball bastards!"
  • "I love it to bits." (Whenever he played/revisited a game he enjoyed.)
  • "Blasphemy, of the highest order!" (When he made a mistake in game)
  • "Thread the needle!" (When he attempted something that required precision)
  • "LOOK AWAY, CHILDREN! (Covers web cam)" (When he saw something that is inappropriate for kids.)
  • "Flips for days!" (When Jack saw a character (in any game) doing flips.)
  • "F***A YOU, GAME!" (When he had either outsmarted a game or when he was angry at a game.)
  • "I DON'T WANT YOUR COOKIES!" (Whenever there was a creepy girl in a game.)
  • "F*** IT!" (When he failed at something in game.)
  • "I'M HAVING A GOOD TIME!" (Whenever he was enjoying something in game.)
  • "I DIED!" (Whenever Jack died in a game)
  • "Ankles! All Broken!" (Whenever he crashed in Skate 3)
  • "SICK TRICKS BETTY!" (Skate 3)
  • "You ungrateful b*stard!"
  • "Twisty nipple freshness!/Twisty fresh nipples!/My nipples are so fresh right now!" (Whenever he was excited about something in game.)
  • "Hey, Ma!... Ma! (says what is happening while pointing finger at screen)! 'S awesome...!" (When he saw/did something crazy in game.)
  • "Balls? I LOVE BALLS!" (When something mentioned balls or when he did anything in game that involved circles.)
  • "Off roading b*tches!" (Whenever he rode a vehicle in-game and went off track.)
  • "CHRIST ON A BIKE!" (When something exciting or scary happened.)
  • "Slinky dink!" (When he did a slinky-like motion in any game.)
  • "+1 BICEPS" (Whenever strength was involved.)
  • "WHAT?" (When he was surprised or shocked.)
  • "I'M TRIPPING BALLS!" (When a weird effect happened on screen.)
  • "DON'T YOU DARE WINK AT ME!" (Said whenever Evie winked at him.)
  • "Any form of criticism?" (Directed at Billy)
  • "SCREW YOU BILLY!!" (When Billy died, was injured, or Billy killed him, plus random moments when he saw Billy)
  • "Speeeed is keeeey!" (In Happy Wheels, Turbo Dismount and Skate 3 and in every game where speed is related)
  • "Oh hi Eunice... I LOVE YOU!" (In Bully, whenever the female character "Eunice" passed by)
  • "Calm your tits [Name of character/person]!" (Whenever someone was in a panic, even if they were male)
  • "NOTHING STOPS.... THE SQUATCH!" (When he used the "Sasquatch" in Turbo Dismount)
  • "OWWWWW PINK LIGHTNING!" (When he used the pink tricycle in Turbo Dismount)
  • "GOOO JACKY BOY!" (When he started a level with Mr. Dismount in Turbo Dismount.)
  • "It's/Is too far". (When he failed at a spike fall in Happy Wheels)
  • "When in doubt, Segway Steve!" (When he was doing a spike fall with Segway Steve in Happy Wheels)
  • "STEEEEVE!" (When Segway Steve failed a spike fall in Happy Wheels.)
  • "And a hop, and a skip, and away we go!" (In Happy wheels, usually when using Pogo Pete or Segway Steve.)
  • "Limber, loose, rubber goose!" (In Happy Wheels levels that involved a lot of movement.)
  • "GO BILLY GO!" (When he did levels where speed was needed in Happy Wheels)
  • "YOU DON'T NEED LEGS!" (When a game character lost their legs.)
  • "Look at this sexy beast!" (Usually in Kerbal Space Program, when he created something he labelled as beautiful/majestic.)
  • "YOLO B****ES!" (Whenever he did something reckless in game.)
  • "YOU DON'T NEED LEGS!" (When a game character lost their legs.)
  • "A-Shimmy Shammy." (In Super Mario Maker when Mario climbed vines.)
  • "BOOPER DOOPER!" (Spoken randomly.)
  • "A-WHOOSHI WHOOSH!/A-WHOOSH!" (Spoken randomly)
  • "DETAINED!" (When he detained someone in Papers Please.)
  • "Get the f*** outta my line!" (When he disapproved of someone in Papers Please.)
  • "I'm a trash mammal." (Frequently used in Night in the Woods.)
  • "Positive Mental Attitude/PMA" (2018/19 motto)
  • ”Heeey Reefies." (whenever he noticed the alien creature Reefbacks in Subnautica.)
  • "Honey, I'm trash." (Whenever he returned home in House Flipper.)
  • "My name is Connor. I'm the android sent by Cyberlife." (From Detroit: Become Human)
  • "LAUGH!" (From Jacksepticeye's Funniest Home Videos)
  • "L is for lovers who love one another, A is for ass, of which I like to eat, U is for you're the only one for me, G is for the only gamer I see, H is for happy, I always feel it! When you put it together, what do you get? LAUGH!." (Jackepticeye's Funniest Home Videos theme somg)
  • "My glankles!" (Subnautica: Below Zero)
  • "Real proud dad." (Resident Evil 2)
  • "He DABBED!" (Whenever a character dabbed in Totally Accurate Battle Simulator.)
  • "Hjönk Hjönk am goose!" (From Untitled Goose Game)
  • "Ding Ding Ding! Top of morning!" (Used in Minecraft and Untitled Goose Game)
  • "It's meme time! It's meme time! Gather all your friends, it's meme time! It's meme time! It's meme time! The only cure for sadness! (Meme Time theme song)
  • "MEME!" (When smacking the whiteboard in Meme Time)
  • "MY! EXTREMELY! MASCULINE! ENERGY!" (Jokingly saying what "meme" stands for.)
  • "My hitman fingers are doin' a heckin' tingle!" (When about to hire a hitman in BitLife.)
  • "BITE (his/her) SKULL!" (When fighting someone in BitLife.)
  • "How did I accidently stumble into furry por-" (Some time a long ago)


  • Jack also used the word "formidable" in normal vocabulary.



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